IDSI 2023

Data Science at the Dead Sea


Sunday ,8.1.2023

08:30-11:00Registration | Welcome (Avni Hall)
11:00-11:20Opening Remarks | Paul Feigin (Avni Hall)
11:20-12:20K1 - Keynote Speaker | Informed and augmented learning for empowering the engineering of critical urban systems | Prof. Francisco Chinesta, Chair: Paul Feigin (Avni Hall)
S1 A | Biomedical informatics, Chair: Mark Last (Avni Hall)S1 B | Sound Applications, Chair: Roee Diamant (Amichai Hall)
14:00-14:20Text Mining for Past Medical History in Electrodiagnostic Studies | Roni Ramon-GonenDeep MUSIC Algorithms for Data-Driven DoA Estimation | Nir Shlezinger
14:20-14:40Optimizing Surgery Duration via Prediction and Causality Analysis | Onn ShehoryA Graph-Based Clustering of Chirplet Signals Towards Monitoring of Coastal Dolphins | Roee Diamant
14:40-15:00Locally Sparse Neural Networks for Tabular Biomedical Data | Ofir LindenbaumSingle Microphone Speaker Extraction Using Unified Time-Frequency Siamese-Unet | Sharon Gannot
15:00-15:20Using ECG signals for hypotensive episode prediction in trauma patients | Mark LastCan one hear the position of nodes? | Rami Puzis
15:20-15:40Coffee Break | Hotel Check In & key distribution (Avni Hall)
S2 A , Chair: Tsvi Kuflik (Avni Hall)
15:40-16:00Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in Classical Arabic Poetry | Tsvi Kuflik and Ali Hussein
16:00-16:20Causal Inference Under Misspecified Interference | Bar Weinstein
16:20-16:40Imams, Social Media, and Pro-Regime Mobilization in Turkey | Michael Freedman
16:40-17:00Using a Machine Learning Approach to Promote Early Detection of Autism Risk from Infant Electronic Health Records | Ayelet Ben-Sasson
19:15-19:30Reception (Amichai Hall)
19:30Poster Session 1 (Amichai Hall)

Monday, 9.1.2023

M1 A: NLP and Vision, Chair: Yaakov Ophir (Avni Hall)M1 B, Chair: Kfir Levy (Amichai Hall)
09:00-09:20Identifying Women with Post-Delivery Posttraumatic Stress Disorder using Natural Language Processing of Personal Childbirth Narratives | Alon BartalImbalanced Mixed Linear Regression | Pini Zilber
09:20-09:40Two new approaches to textual data augmentation | Dan VilenchikDimension reduction, the curse of continuity, and topological data analysis | Emanuel (Menachem) Lazar
09:40-10:00Using the Deep Learning Computer Vision Tool of CLIP to Predict High Suicide Risk from Facebook images | Yaakov OphirRobust Linear Regression For General Feature Distribution | Kfir Levy
10:00-10:15Coffee Break
M2 A: Computational Biology, Chair: Judith Somekh (Avni Hall)M2 B, Chair: Dana Lahat (Amichai Hall)
10:20-10:40BitterMatch: Recommendation Systems for Matching Molecules with Bitter Taste Receptors | Yuli SlavutskyA New View of Inverse Problems via Diffusion Models | Michael Elad
10:40-11:00G-S-M: Grouping, Scoring and Modeling Approach. Integration of Biological Domain Knowledge to Machine Learning Based Gene Expression Data Analysis for Selecting Affected Gene Sets | Malik YousefConformance Checking Over Stochastically Known Logs | Eli Bogdanov
11:00-11:20Unsupervised approach for detecting whole-body gene expression coordination pattern | Judith SomekhInteractive Explanations Of Agent Behavior | Yotam Amitai
11:20-11:40Using data processing methods for understanding immune germline and somatic selection | Itai DanielliMultimodal Data Fusion: An Overview of Methods, Challenges and Prospects | Dana Lahat
11:50-12:50K2 - Keynote Speaker | Prof. Ido Dagan, Chair: Sol Efroni (Avni Hall)
12:50-13:50Lunch + Preparing for the trip
13:50-17:002 options for trips near Ein Gedi
19:30Poster Session 2

Tuesday, 10.1.2023

08:45-09:45Google Cloud for Research using AI/ML and Data AnalyticsE | Niv Efron, Chen Blecher, Gavriel Mitran, Chair: Isana Veksler-Lublinsky (Avni Hall)
T1 A, Chair: Eli Safra (Avni Hall)T1 B, Chair: Galit Almoznino (Amichai Hall)
10:00-10:20Thrill ride: Recommendations in Transportation Systems | Eli SafraModelling COVID-19 Spread in a Complex Reality | Hilla De-Leon
10:20-10:40Unsupervised Acoustic Scene Mapping Based on Acoustic Measurements and Dimensionality Reduction | Idan CohenPerformative Prediction in a Stateful World | Shlomi Hod
10:40-11:00Rheumatic Monitor: A New Architecture For Screening, Monitoring And Analyzing Big Data Of Multiple Rheumatic Disease Patients: The Case Study Of Fibromyalgia | Galit Almoznino
11:00-11:20Coffee Break
T2 A , Chair: Guy Gilboa (Avni Hall)T2 B | Computational Biology, Chair: Isana Veksler-Lublinsky (Amichai Hall)
11:20-11:40More Than Meets the Eye - Anesthesiologists' visual attention in the operating room | Sapir GershovModel-free prediction of microbiome compositions | Amir Bashan
11:40-12:00Dimensionality Reduction of the Dynamics of Neural Network Training | Guy GilboaCanonical Correlation Analysis for Multi-Trait GWAS | Or Zuk
12:00-12:20FlexER: Flexible Entity Resolution for Multiple Intents | Bar GenossarTransfer learning improves cross-species prediction of miRNA-target interactions | Eyal Hadad
T3 A, Chair: Orit Hazzan (Avni Hall)T3 B (Amichai Hall), Chair: Nir Weinberger
14:00-14:20A Dynamic Networks Approach to Language Development | Elitzur DattnerActive Probabilistic Databases | Osnat Drien
14:20-14:40Guide to Teaching Data Science: Pedagogical Principles and Main Topics | Orit HazzanBaroque Simplicity: Simplicity Bias in Overparameterized Machine Learning | Yakir Berchenko
14:40-15:00Classification of point patterns using topological pair correlations | Gil ArielFast Nonlinear Vector Quantile Regression | Aviv Rosenberg
15:00-15:20Increasing the Adoption of Responsible AI and Data Science | Ravit DotanMean Estimation in High-Dimensional Binary Markov Gaussian Mixture Models | Nir Weinberger
15:20-15:40Coffee Break
T4 A | Causal Inference, Chair: Bella Vakulenko-Lagun (Avni Hall)T4 B | Data Science for Animals, Chair: Anna Zamansky and Itzik Klein (Amichai Hall)
Identifying causal determinants of hospital outcomes from electronic health records using causal graphical learning | Daniel Malinsky
AI for Happiness, Behavior, and Personality | Oren Forkosh, Invited Speaker
Negative controls for instrumental variables | Daniel Nevo
Automated Recognition of Animal Affective States | Marcelo Feighelstein
The computation and use of tight symbolic nonparametric bounds | Erin Gabriel
Computer Vision based system in Precision Livestock for automatic lamb identification and drinking activity | Adi Alon
Using Machine Learning and Causal Inference to Improve Patient Care and Reduce Costs in Diagnosis of Blood Cancers | Michael Sachs
Canine Ataxic Classification Using Inertial Sensors | Itzik Klein
17:00-17:15Coffee Break
17:15-18:15K3 - Keynote Speaker | Prof. Marina Sirota, Chair: Judith Somekh (Avni Hall)
19:30-21:30Gala dinner

Wednesday, 11.1.2023

08:30-09:00Check out | Coffee
09:00-10:00K4 - Keynote Speaker | Data Science for Society: Opportunities, Impact, and Challenges | Prof. Nitesh Chawla, Chair: Mark Last (Avni Hall)
10:00-10:10Penultimate Remarks | Paul Feigin
W1 A | Data-science for improving health care systems, Chair: Nadav Rappaport (Avni Hall)W1 B | Data Science for Social Good , Chair: Yuli Slavutsky(Amichai Hall)
10:20-10:40Treatment Prediction in the ICU SettingUsing a Partitioned Sequential Deep Time Series Analysis | Yuval ShaharLeveraging Data Science for Social Good: Introducing the New Program at the Hebrew University | Yuli Slavutsky
10:40-11:00Time-Dependent Iterative Imputation for Multivariate Longitudinal Clinical Data | Omer NoyTemporal Changes in Bird Migration Patterns - A Data Science for Social Good Project | Ariel Vishne
11:00-11:20Optimizing Operation Room Utilization—A Multi-Centers Prediction Model | Nadav RappoportData Science for Social Good – Open Discussion | Ronit Lis Hacohen
11:20-11:40Personalizing Digital Health Interventions with AI to Support Behavior Change | Mor Peleg

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