Meet the Keynote Speakers
Meet the top in their field researches that will give a talk at the
IDSI 2023 conference:

| Prof. Francisco Chinesta
ENSAM ParisTech Company
Francisco Chinesta, ESI Chair Professor at ENSAM Institute of Technology (Paris, France), Honorary Fellow of the “Institut Universitaire de France” – IUF- and Fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, Silver medal from the French CNRS in 2019, among many other awards, at present director of the DESCARTES project on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence - CNRS@CREATE, Singapore (35 M€ / 160 researchers).

| Prof. Marina Sirota
University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
Marina is an Associate Professor at the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute at UCSF. Prior to that she was a Senior Research Scientist at Pfizer after getting her PhD in Biomedical Informatics at Stanford. Her research interests lie in developing computational integrative methods and applying these approaches in the context of disease diagnostics and therapeutics.

| Prof. Nitesh Chawla
Notre Dame University
Nitesh Chawla is the Frank M. Freimann Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and the Founding Director of the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society. He is an expert in artificial intelligence, data science, and network science, and leveraging them to advance the common good through interdisciplinary research. Chawla is an IEEE Fellow and the recipient of multiple awards for research and teaching innovation.

| Prof. Ido Dagan
Bar-Ilan University
Ido Dagan is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, the founder of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab at Bar-Ilan, the founding Director of the nationally funded Bar-Ilan University Data Science Institute, a Fellow of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) and its former President (2010, led the founding of the TACL journal). His interests are in applied semantic processing, focusing on textual inference (introduced the applied RTE/NLI task), natural open semantic representations, information consolidation, summarization of multi-text information and interactive text summarization and exploration.
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