IDSI 2023

Data Science at the Dead Sea

Poster Division to Dates

Sunday ,8.1.2023

Posters Presenters:
Anna Khalemsky | Semi-Supervised Approach for Latent Feature Extraction and Classification Improvement Using Cluster Analysis: The Case of Micro-Mobility Severe and Fatal Accidents
Dror Mughaz | Linguistic Richness of the Knesset Members
Yaara Erez | Precision Neuroimaging of Functional Networks in the Human Brain
Avi Treistman | Social Media Mining Using a Loosely Bound Thesaurus
Hagit Hel-Or | Adaptive Balance Testing of Elderly Individuals Using Machine Learning
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner | Construction of a Supervised Complaint Reviews Dataset
Ayelet Ben-Sasson | Using a Machine Learning Approach to Promote Early Detection of Autism Risk from Infant Electronic Health Records
Ehud Sussman |
Michal Danino Levi | Spatial Genomics Reveal Crosstalk Between Immune Cells and Tumor Cells
Tal Goldberg | Characterizing Immune-Tumor Interactions Using Spatial Transcriptomics, Matrix Factorization and RNA Velocity
Ofir Lindenbaum | L0-Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis
Lee Carlin | CardiCat: High-Cardinality & Heterogenous Tabular Variational Autoencoder
Ali Hussein | Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Elements in Classical Arabic Poetry
Thomas Konstantinovsky | A Novel Approach to TCRB Repertoire Encoding using LZ-76 Compression
Tal Malul | Capturing the Determinants of Evolutionary Diversification Within Protein Sequence Similarity Networks
Chaya Liebeskind | ISO-Based Annotated Multilingual Parallel Corpus for Discourse Markers
Chaya Liebeskind | Can Other Languages Aid in The Identification of Offensive Language in Hebrew?
Chaya Liebeskind | Detecting Offensive Language: A New Approach for Offensive Language Data Preparation
Adir Rahamim | Contrasim - A Similarity Measure Based on Contrastive Learning
Shir Lissak | Bored to Death: Bottom-up Computational Topic Modeling of Facebook Language and Topdown Hypothesis Testing Uncover Boredom Experiences as a Risk Factor for Suicide
Rani Khoury | What Can We Learn by Analyzing Internal Organizational Communication? A Data Science Analysis of Slack
Dror Mughaz | Can a Single Vector Capture the Spirit of an Entire Sentence?
Shula Shazman | A Recommendation System for Selecting Intermittent Fasting Method to Improve Health in Type 2 Diabetes

Monday, 9.1.2023

Posters Presenters:
Alon Feldman | Cue-Based Prediction of Traffic-Related CO2 Concentration Using Visual Data in Bengaluru (Bangalore), India
Armin Shmilovici | The Same Thing – Only Different: Classification of Movies by Their Story Types
Liat Cohen | Using Machine Learning to get New Insights about miRNA-Target Interaction Rules
Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern | Big Data Analyses to Study Chimeric RNAs and Gene-Gene Fusions
Avi Baraz | Stable Temporal Relationships as a First Step Towards Causal Inference: An Application to Antibiotic Resistance
Liat David | Georeferencing Spatial Entities/Features From Old Drawings and Photos Using Computer Vision Combined with Deep Learning and GIScience
Oded Rotem | Interpreting Image-based Deep Learning Prediction Models - A New Method and Application to In-vitro Fertilization
Sharon Gannot | Study of Speech Emotion Recognition using BLSTM with Attention
Itay Buchnik | Learned Kalman Filtering in the Latent Space from High Dimensional Observations
Yair Gat | CEBaB: Estimating the Causal Effects of Real-World Concepts on NLP Model Behavior
Nadav Rappoport | Classification with Reject Option Approaches on MIMIC-IV Dataset
Nir Shlezinger | Joint Privacy Enhancement and Quantization in Federated Learning
Xiaoyong Ni | RTSNet: Deep Learning Aided Kalman Smoothing
Efrat Cohen | Benchmarking the Negatives: How Different Approaches Affect the Classification Task of miRNA-mRNA Interactions
Or Zuk | Partitioning the Variance of High-Dimensional Data with a Low-Dimensional Structure
Paul Clarke | In Search of Peptides as Green Pesticides: A Data Augmentation Method to Improve Representation of a Low Density Class
Avi Caciularu | Cross-Document Language Modeling
Aviv Slobodkin | Controlled Text Reduction
Shay Septon | Memorization Properties of the Self Attention Mechanism for Unstructured and Hidden Markov Language Models
Yael Septon | Human Body using an Ensemble of Statistical Tests
Or Reginiano | Learning Through Imitation by using Formal Verification
Dror Mughaz | Gender, Political and Demographic Aspects

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